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What makes colloidal silver so effective for pimples and acne

Do you know colloidal silver? We are all familiar with silver. Colloidal silver (Latin argentum colloidale, from the Greek kolla 'glue-like') is a collection of the finest silver particles, known as silver ions.

Colloidal silver

is made from fine silver. With the help of electrolysis, reduction or grinding, this silver is refined to such an extent that it cannot be seen with the naked eye. Only the colloid, i.e. the accumulation, can be seen.

What is colloidal silver used for?

The effect of nanoparticles has not only been utilized in skin care, but also in alternative medicine and medicine. Here,  colloidal silver, for example, for

• Colds & flu
• Open wounds & inflammations
• Skin diseases
• Fungal infections

How does colloidal silver work?

As already described, these are colloidal silver around the finest ions. These fine silver particles can have an antimicrobial effect and reduce the colonization of germs, bacteria and fungi even at low concentrations. The antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect has been known for a very long time. The advantage of this, Silver also in skin care It's obvious: germs are neutralized on the surface of the skin, which means significantly fewer spots and blackheads.

How do we use the effect of colloidal silver in skin care?

In skin care, the Fine silver especially in the care of Problem skin used. These include Acne, blemished skin, Psoriasis and neurodermatitis.

That's why you'll find colloidal silver, or microsilver BG to be precise, in our special silver products. We provide you with cleansing gel, hand cream, face cream and body spray.

In summary, it can be said that kolloidales Silber with Akne und Pickeln

can sometimes bring the skin flora back into balance and gently remove germs such as Proponionibacterium acnes from the surface of the skin. Long-term use of the shiny metal can achieve great results.

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- Psoriasis: Ursachen und Tipps für Linderung

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