Our Silvercream can:

✓ Reduce redness and spots

✓ Clarify & mattify the complexion

✓ Normalize oily problem skin

✓ regulate the skin's sebum secretion

✓ Relieve itching

✓ soothe the skin

Time of day

You can use the cream both in the morning and in the evening.

Skin type

blemished skin

Practical dispenser

The practical airless dispenser allows you to dose the cream correctly.


The cream has a sweet fragrance.




Apply the Silvercream and massage it in gently. For blemished and inflamed skin, apply to cleansed skin in the morning and evening for the first 4-6 weeks, then use only in the evening as required. Use as a day and night cream for neurodermatitis and acne. 

Main active ingredients

MicroSilver BG
Salbei Extrakt
Product information "RAU Silvercream 50 ml - Special Cream for Impure Skin with Microsilver & Sage"

Silvercream 50 ml

 Spezialcreme für unreine Haut und Akne

 wirkt beruhigend, lindernd & entzündungshemmend

auch für Neurodermitis geeignet

 antimikrobielle Wirkung durch MicroSilver BG

 entwickelt & produziert in Deutschland 




Die Gesichtscreme eignet sich besonders für die unreine Haut & Neurodermitis.



Tragen Sie die Silbercreme auf und massieren Sie sie leicht ein. Bei unreiner und entzündlicher Haut in den ersten 4-6 Wochen morgens und abends auf die gereinigte Haut auftragen, anschließend nach Bedarf nur noch abends verwenden. Bei Neurodermitis und Akne als Tages- und Nachtcreme verwenden. Zusätzlich gegen unreine Haut: Die Silver Face Mask oder die Mineral Mask 1-2 Mal wöchentlich anwenden.



- Rötungen und Pickel reduzieren
- den Teint klären und mattieren
- fettige Problemhaut normalisieren
- die Talgsekretion der Haut regulieren
- Juckreiz lindern
- die Haut beruhigen



Nicht für Kinder unter 3 Jahren.
Augenkontakt vermeiden.


Unsere Silvercream aus der Silver Serie ist die Spezialcreme bei unreiner Haut, Pickeln, Akne, Mitessern, Dermatitis und Neurodermitis. Dank dem Hauptwirkstoff Mikrosilber (Biogate) kann die Silber Creme die Spezialkur für Problemhaut sein. Sie kann beruhigend, lindernd, Juckreiz stillend & entzündungshemmend wirken.

Die Wirkstoffe der Mikrosilber Creme:

Der Hauptwirkstoff ist Mikrosilber. Bei dem hier verwendeten Microsilber BG handelt es sich um ultrafeine Partikel von elementarem Silber, das auf der Haut eine antimikrobielle Wirkung erzeugen kann und dank der metallischen Silber Ionen bereits in kleinen Konzentrationen Bakterien und Pilze direkt an der Hautoberfläche neutralisieren kann. Dadurch verringert sich das Risiko von Unreinheiten mit der Silbercreme.  Als zertifiziertes Naturprodukt ist Microsilver sehr gut verträglich und eignet sich auch für sensible Haut. Zudem ist der bewährte Wirkstoff Salicylsäure (BHA, Beta-Hydroxy-Acid) enthalten. Dieser ist ein bewährtes Mittel in Cremes gegen unreine Haut und Akne. Die Säure kann abgestorbene Hautzellen lösen und entzündungshemmend sowie antimikrobiell wirken. Dadurch werden bestehende Pickel und Entzündungen unter der Haut reduziert und neue Mitesser und Pickel präventiv behandelt, da die Poren nicht mehr so schnell verstopfen können. Weiterhin kann Salicylsäure auch Schuppenbildung verhindern. Um die antimikrobielle Wirkung von Mikrosilber zu unterstützen, enthält die Creme auch Zink, welcher nicht nur antimikrobiell wirkt, sondern auch ausgleicht und für Schutz sorgt. Der in der Silvercream enthaltene Salbeiextrakt kann Irritationen und Unreinheiten beruhigen und das natürliche pH-Gleichgewicht auf der Haut wiederherstellen. Aber das ist noch nicht alles, denn unsere Creme mit Mikrosilber soll nicht nur Unreinheiten bekämpfen, sondern die Haut auch noch mit allem versorgen, was sie braucht. Als pflegende Komponenten sind deshalb erlesene und erprobte Wirkstoffe wie Squalane, Ceramide 3, rückfettende Lipide, Hyaluronsäure und Panthenol enthalten. Die Creme besticht durch eine leichte, allergenfreie Parfümierung und einen pH-Wert von ca. 6,5. Für reine, weiche und zarte Haut!  Bei regelmäßiger Anwendung wird der Erfolg meist schon nach wenigen Tagen sichtbar. Rötungen und Pickel gehen zurück, der Teint wird geklärt und mattiert, fettige Problemhaut wird normalisiert. Die Talgsekretion der Haut wird sowohl bei Über- als auch bei Unterfunktion auf die Normalproduktion reguliert und Stauungen von Talg und Hornzellen in den Poren werden verhindert. Das bedeutet weniger Bildung von Unreinheiten.




AQUA (WATER)Wasser – Lösungsmittel, spendet Feuchtigkeit 

PENTYLENE GLYCOL – Pentylenglykol  Spendet der Haut Feuchtigkeit.

CETEARYL ALCOHOLTensid – Waschaktive Substanz die mulsionsstabilisierend und hautpflegend ist. Macht die Haut geschmeidig glatt und weich. 

CELLULOSE –  Cellulose – Verringert / erhöht Viskosität des Produkts,  pflegt die Haut und ist zudem gut hautverträglich. 

GLYCERYL STEARATE Tensid  macht die Haut glatt und geschmeidig 

DICAPRYLYL CARBONATE – Dicaprylylcarbonat  hält die Haut in einem guten Zustand und pflegt diese glatt und geschmeidig

METHYL GLUCOSE SESQUISTEARATETensid – pflegt die Haut glatt und geschmeidig

UNDECANEUndecane – pflegt die Haut und hält diese in einem guten Zustand

GLYCERINGlycerin  Spendet der Haut Feuchtigkeit, pflanzlich

ZINC OXIDEZinkoxid – anitmikrobiell, hautschützend, schützt Haut vor schädlicher UV-Strahlung

CAPRYLIC / CAPRIC TRIGLYCERIDEPflanzliches Neutralöl  Glättet die Haut, Wirkt rückfettend

TRIDECANE - Duftstoff 

PROPANEDIOLLösungsmittel – erhöht oder verringert Viskosität des Produkts

SQUALANE – Squalane – aus der Pflanze gewonnene Öl - verhindert den Feuchtigkeitsverlust der Haut, besitzt große Affinität zur Haut und den Hautlipiden und besitzt eine hervorragende Hautverträglichkeit.

SILVERMikrosilber –  MicroSilver BG hat eine antimikrobielle Wirkung auf der Haut

CERAMIDE NPCeramide – hält die Haut in einem guten Zustand 

SODIUM HYALURONATENatriumsalz der Hyaluronsäure – feuchthaltend, hautpflegend

HELIANTHUS ANNUUS (SUNFLOWER) SEED OILSonnenblumenöl – hautpflegend, macht die Haut glatt und hält diese in einem guten Zustand, verbessert den Geruch des Produkts

PANTHENOL Panthenol  Regeneration und Erneuerung geschädigter Haut, Beruhigend und entzündungshemmend, Fördert das Zellwachstum

XANTHAN GUM Xanthan Gum – Ermöglicht die Bildung von Emulsionen, erhöht die Viskosität kosmetischer Produkte

SALVIA TRILOBA (SAGE) LEAF EXTRACTSalbei – adstringierend, antimikrobiell 

COCO-CAPRYLATE – Coco-Caprylate  enthält (Fett-)Alkohole aus Kokosnussöl als alkoholische Komponenten – macht die Haut glatt und weich

SALICYLIC ACIDSalicylsäure – hilft bei der Entfernung abgestorbener Hautzellen, beugt Dermatits vor und lindert Symptome / wirkt Schuppenbildung entgegen


LINALOOL - Duftstoff


CITRIC ACIDZitronensäure – Reduktion von verhornten Hautstellen, Mitessern, Aknenarben, feine Fältchen, Porenweite/-tiefe

TOCOPHEROL - Tocopherol - Tocopherol wirkt als Radikalfänger, in dem es selbst zu einem reaktionsträgen, da mesomeriestabilisierten Radikal wird.



*MicroSilver BG ist eine eingetragene Marke der Bio-Gate AG








Hautbedürfnis: Glow , Impurities , Redness
Hauttyp: Impure Skin , Sensitive Skin
Inhalt: 50 ml
Produkt-Typ: Face Cream
Sonstige Eigenschaften: vegan
Textur: Cream
Wirkstoff: Hyaluronsäure , Mikrosilber , Panthenol , Salbei , Salicylsäure , Squalan , Urea , Xanthan , Zink

10 of 21 reviews

4.98 out of 5 stars






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March 19, 2023 12:00 AM

Wir haben so viele Produkte ge

Wir haben so viele Produkte gegen unteine Haut ausprobiert. Die Produkte von Rau helfen innerhalb von 2 Wochen. Einfach großartig

August 18, 2015 1:54 AM

Perfekt gegen unreine, hartnäckige Haut

Heute geht es um ein ganz besonders hartnäckiges Produkt, das wirklich alles ausmerzt: Die Silvercream. Auch Sie enthält Mikrosilber, dass antimikrobiell wirkt, ohne die Haut zu reizen. So ist Sie sogar für Neurodermitis geeignet und verhindert auch die weitere Ausbreitung verschiedener Hautprobleme. Und hier muss ich wirklich einmal sagen "Hut ab!". Die Silvercream ist extrem hartnäckig gegenüber jedem Hautproblem, insbesondere aber Akne und öliger Haut - und dennoch - es gab keine einzige Hautreizung. Nicht einmal ein kleiner roter Punkt auf dem Gesicht entstand. Und das ist bei meiner Haut ein Weltwunder. Denn ich habe nicht nur Pickel als Probleme (gehabt), sondern leide zudem unter extrem entzündlicher und trockener Haut. Und dennoch hätte ich die Creme so oft auftragen können, wie ich es wollte. Es gab keine Hautreizung und sogar mein mich ständig begleitender Juckreiz wurde gelindert - natürlich wird das alles nicht nach einem Tag ausgemerzt, aber es wurde alles deutlich sanfter und die Haut war nicht mehr so "angreifbar" wie vorher. Die Silvercream hat eine beachtliche Wirkung. Und hier noch einmal im Detail: Die Creme enthält wie auch das Silver Fashial Waschgel den Stoff Mikrosilber, der antimikrobiell wirkt. Er löscht also Bakterien und Zellen aus, die bei uns für Hautprobleme sorgen; Akne, Neurodermitis, Juckreiz, ölige Haut und Ähnliches, ohne dabei die Haut selbst anzugreifen. Nur die Problemstoffe werden behandelt, während der Rest des Gesichts verschont bleibt. Geeignet ist die Silvercream aber dennoch nur für besonders stark betroffene Haut, die wirklich unter Unreinheiten leidet. Grund dafür ist einfach, dass der Stoff genau für dieses Bedürfnis entwickelt wurde. Weitere besonders wichtige Inhaltsstoffe sind Salbei und Zink, die Verfettung stoppen und gleichzeitig Juckreiz lindern. Erste Ergebnisse sieht man schon nach der ersten Anwendung, aber etwa die fünfte oder sechste Anwendung war ganz besonders. Die Silvercream habe ich nämlich auch auf die Schultern aufgetragen, wo ich auch unter Pickeln litt. Und siehe da: Aus den Pickeln sind nur noch kleine Rötungen geworden, die langsam aber sicher abheilen. In den vorigen Pickeln sind aber keine auslösenden Bakterien enthalten, sodass die Haut sich nur noch rekonstruieren muss. Und schon sind die Pickel weg. Die Silvercream wird von mir wahnsinnig gerne empfohlen, insbesondere an alle Challenge-Teilnehmer, die dem Wunsch einer reinen Haut nicht nachkommen konnten. Die Silvercream ist genau das, was alle versprechen, aber es selbst nicht verspricht. Übrigens enthält sie neben den ausmerzenden Stoffen auch eine große Auswahl an pflegenden und rückfettenden Stoffen, die die Haut sich regenerieren lassen lässt. RAU Cosmetics hat dabei nur besonders erprobte und schnell wirksame Inhaltsstoffe verwendet. Mit dabei sind unter anderem die bekannten Wirkstoffe Hyaluronsäure, Panthenol, Ceramide 3, rückfettende Lipide und Squalene. Von mir gibt es eine der wärmsten Empfehlungen an unreine Haut, die ich jemals gegeben habe.

November 27, 2018 9:07 PM


Sehr guter Service, sehr schnelle Lieferung, die Ware war liebevoll verpackt. Der erste Eindruck der Creme ist sehr gut, meine sehr problematische und empfindliche Haut mit teilweise trockenen Stellen und Akne tarda an Hals und Kinn wird gepflegt aber nicht überpflegt und wird schön mattiert. Zum Langzeiteffekt der Wirkung kann ich zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt jedoch noch nichts sagen. Ich bin gespannt!

October 26, 2022 12:00 AM


(Quelle: <a href='https://www.shopvote.de/show-products.php?shopid=15529' target='_blank'>SHOPVOTE</a>)

January 20, 2016 1:14 PM

einfach super

es hilft !!

August 13, 2015 10:07 AM


Ich benutze die Creme erst seit 3 Wochen und bin super zufrieden. Hatte schon immer unreine haut und viele Pickel. Die Pickel sind nun so gut wie verschwunden. Es sind auch keine neuen mehr nachgekommen. Ich bin richtig happy mit dieser Creme.

April 29, 2023 12:00 AM

Bewertung ohne

Bewertung ohne Text

November 23, 2018 12:38 PM

Top Produkt und es hilft *****

Da meine Haut zu seborrhoisches Dermatitis neigt ,verwende ich seit längeren die Creme, habe sehr positive Veränderungen wahrgenommen! Nach zwei Wochen hatte ich bereits weniger Rötungen im Gesicht.Nun nach drei Wochen bin ich sehr zufrieden! Keine Schuppen mehr und mein Gesicht sieht richtig gesund aus. Durch die Creme ist meine Haut nicht mehr fettig.Die Creme ist sehr angenehm aufzutragen. Ich verwende die Creme zur Zeit nur morgens und nach dem Saunabesuch. Es lässt sich sehr gut Auftragen, die Haut ist sehr weich und fühlt sich danach richtig gut an. Ich bin zu einigen Hautärzte gegangen und es hat nie etwas gebracht,bis ich zur Kosmetikerin ging. Sie wollte die Creme mal bei mir ausprobieren, es ist der absolute Hit ! ! ! Vielen Dank Frau Engelmeier

July 30, 2018 8:37 PM


Ich neige zu perioraler Dermatitis und zu hormoneller Akne. Dieses Produkt nutze ich zur Zeit nur abends und meine Haut hat sich bereits merklich gebessert. Es trocknet die Haut dabei absolut nicht aus

June 6, 2017 7:44 PM

Super Produkt

Ich habe lange nach einer Pflege gesucht die meine Unreinheiten endlich in ein Griff bekommt. Und schon nach ein paar Tagen konnte ich sehen wie meine Haut nach und nach besser und beruhigender wurde ! Ich nehme die ganze Serie, Creme, Wasch Gel, BHA (alle 2 Wochen) und Aha ! Mega super Produkt !!!

0.01 %
Tonic alcohol-free 200 ml with nettle extract
TONIC ALCOHOL-FREE ✔ Gentle yet thorough cleansing ✔ without alcohol ✔ pH value: approx. 5.5 ✔ has a refreshing & balancing effect ✔ developed & produced in Germany SKIN TYPE The facial toner is particularly suitable for sensitive / delicate and dry skin. APPLICATION Soak a cotton pad with the toner and wipe thoroughly over the face, neck and décolleté. CAN - cleanse the skin- ensure a clear complexion HAZARD WARNINGS Do not get into eyes & mucous membranes.Not suitable for children under 3 years. Perfect for sensitive and very dry skin: our alcohol-free tonic is a gentle special care product, a tonic without alcohol. The combination of active ingredients in the alcohol-free tonic: Thanks to the main active ingredient nettle extract, the tonic has a refreshing, balancing effect and rebalances the skin's pH value. The skin feels smoother and more even. Lactic acid and other active ingredients ensure that the skin is also moisturized during cleansing. Although the tonic is alcohol-free, it cleanses the pores thoroughly and prepares the skin optimally for the subsequent care. Toning is part of a balanced facial care routine and should be carried out before applying any skin care cream. The result is a clear, finely textured complexion. INGREDIENTS Aqua, Propylene Glycol, Lactic Acid, Urtica Dioica (Nettle) Extract, Sorbitol, Caprylyl/Capryl Glucoside, Sodium Cocoyl Glutamate, Glyceryl Caprylate, Polyglyceryl-6 Oleate, Sodium Surfactin, Phenoxyethanol, Ethylhexylglycerin, Citric Acid, Parfum

Content: 0.2 Liter ($124.80* / 1 Liter)

$24.96* $24.96*
0.01 %
Beyond Herbal Tonic 200 ml natural cosmetics toner
BEYOND HERBAL TONIC ✔ gentle facial tonic ✔ pH value: 5.4 ✔ moisturizing ✔ gently removes residues ✔ developed & produced in Germany SKIN TYPE The facial toner is suitable for all skin types. APPLICATION After cleansing the face, soak a cotton pad with tonic and smooth over the face, neck and décolleté. CAN - refine the complexion- cleanse the skin- provide an even complexion HAZARD WARNINGS Do not get in eyes & mucous membranes.Not for children under 3 years. The beyond Herbal Tonic from our natural cosmetics series "beyond" gives your skin a pleasant feeling of freshness and makes it more receptive to subsequent care products. The combination of active ingredients of the natural cosmetic tonic: Our tonic moisturizes, gently removes residues of cleansing products, clarifies the complexion and supports the acid mantle of the skin. Our tonic contains a variety of powerful active ingredients! Among others, fig extract, pomegranate extract, witch hazel, hyaluronic acid, corn starch, meadowsweet extract, orange oil, beet extract, lesser celandine, black currant and sugar beet. The use of sugar beet extract and natural corn starch moisturizes the skin. The fig extract contained in the tonic has a high content of vitamin B1 and valuable minerals (calcium, phosphorus, iron). The valuable extract can stimulate the regeneration of the skin, as well as increase the water-binding capacity. Witch hazel has an anti-inflammatory and anti-itching effect. Currant extract and meadowsweet have a soothing, healing & anti-inflammatory effect, which is especially useful for irritated, irritated and blemished skin. Pomegranate extract is a powerful anti-aging ingredient with its exceptional regenerating substances and protective substances against free radicals. The power ingredient combination of our natural cosmetic tonic contains the best of nature for beautiful, finely structured skin. INGREDIENTS AQUA (WATER) - Water - solvent, moisturizes the skin GLYCERIN - Glycerin - Moisturizes the skin, plant-based PENTYLENE GLYCOL - Pentylene glycol - Moisturizes the skin. BETAINE - glycine betaine - nourishes the skin, regulates viscosity RIBES NIGRUM (BLACK CURRANT) FRUIT EXTRACT - black currant - thickens the skin surface, keeps the skin in good condition and makes it smooth and supple CAPRYLYL/CAPRYL GLUCOSIDE - condensation product of octanol (caprylic alcohol) and decanol (capric alcohol) with glucose (dextrose ) - cleanses the skin HYDROLYZED CORN STARCH - Hydrolyzed corn starch - ensures the cohesion of the product, nourishes the skin, moisturizes BETA VULGARIS (BEET) ROOT EXTRACT - be et - nourishes the skin and keeps it in good condition PUNICA GRANATUM (POME GRANATE) FRUIT EXTRACT - pomegranate - nourishes the skin HAMAMELIS VIRGINIANA ( WITCH HAZEL) WATER - witch h azel - astringent, skin nourishing, soothing SODIUM HYALURONATE - hyaluronic acid - moisturizing, skin nourishing RANUNCULUS FICARIA EXTRACT - figwort / lesser celandine - nourishes the skin CITRUS AURANTIUM DULCIS (ORANGE) PEEL OIL - orange / sweet orange oil - nourishes the skin, perfuming FICUS CARICA (FIG) FRUIT EXTRACT - Fig extract - moisturizes the skin SPIRAEA ULMARIA - meadow honeysuckle / meadowsweet / spirea - thickens the skin surface, nourishes the skin, keeps the skin in good condition, creates pleasant feeling on the skin LACTIC ACID - lactic acid - moisturizing, skin nourishing, regulates / stabilizes the pH of cosmetic products SODIUM LACTATE - sodium salt of lactic acid - moisturizing, helps to remove dead skin cells from the skin surface ALCOHOL - Alcohol - solvent, antimicrobial, perfuming POTASSIUM SORBATE - potassium salt - protects the product from microbial spoilage and gives the product a pleasant smell SODIUM BENZOATE - sodium salt - protects the product from microbial spoilage and gives the product a pleasant smell POTASSIUM BENZOATE - potassium benzoate - protects the product from microbial spoilage LIMONENE - fragrance

Content: 0.2 Liter ($123.40* / 1 Liter)

$24.68* $24.68*
0.01 %
Purifying Tonic with alcohol 200 ml against impure skin
PURIFYING TONIC ✔ s pecial anti-inflammatory toner ✔ ideal for horny & very impure skin ✔ antimicrobial & antiseborrheic ✔ with zinc, bisabolol, urea & chamomile ✔ developed & produced in Germany SKIN TYPE The facial toner is suitable for impure and oily skin. APPLICATION Apply a small amount to a cotton pad and sweep thoroughly over the face. Allow the tonic to absorb and then apply your care. CAN - refine the complexion- cleanse the skin- provide an even complexion HAZARD WARNINGS Do not get in eyes & mucous membranes.Not for children under 3 years of age. Our "RAU Purifying Tonic" is a special toner developed specifically for the needs of impure skin. The combination of active ingredients in the Purifying Tonic: Thoroughly and yet extremely gently, the skin is freed from excess sebum, skin oil and dirt residues. It helps to inhibit sebum production (antiseborrheic) and counteract the growth of microorganisms on the skin (antimicrobial). New pimples are thus deprived of the basis for life, so that significantly fewer new pimples appear. In addition, the contained pansy extract significantly relieves annoying itching and has an anti-inflammatory effect due to zinc and chamomile. The active ingredient complex is rounded off by amino acids, sorbitol and urea, which moisturize the skin, making it supple. Toning is part of a balanced facial care routine and should be carried out before any skin care cream is applied. The result is a clear, textured complexion. CONTENTS AQUA (WATER) - water - solvent, moisturizes the skin ALCOHOL - alcohol - antimicrobial, perfuming PROPANEDIOL - propanediol - viscosity regulating SORBITOL - sugar alcohol - humectant / moisturizer (obtained from fruits) DISODIUM COCOYL GLUTAMATE - di-sodium salt (fatty acids from coconut oil) - washing active substance for cleansing the skin POLYGLYCERYL-10 LAURATE - polymerized glycerin - nourishes the skin VIOLA TRICOLOR (PANSY) EXTRACT - pansy extract - helps to relieve skin discomfort and makes skin smooth and soft. CANDIDA BOMBICOLA/GLUCOSE/METHYL RAPESEEDATE FERMENT -yeast fungi of the genus Candida - substance for cleansing the skin - antimicrobial, skin protecting, cleansing, sebum regulating, washing active ingredients UREA - urea - has keratolytic and antipruritic properties and moisturizing effect SODIUM COCOYL GLUTAMATE - reaction product of glutamic acid with coconut fatty acids - washing active substance for cleansing the skin ARGININE - L-Arginine (an amino acid) - nourishes the skin and improves the smell of the product LACTIC ACID - Lactic acid - moisturizing, skin nourishing, regulates / stabilizes the pH value of cosmetic products ZINC GLUCONATE - zinc salt - antimicrobial, skin nourishing BISABOLOL - bisabolol - skin caring, soothing, gives the product a pleasant scent CITRIC ACID - citric acid - reduction of horny skin, blackheads, acne scars, fine wrinkles, pores widening/deepening TRIPLEUROSPERMUM MARITIMA EXTRACT - chamomile - protects the skin from external influences SODIUM HYDROXIDE - lye - cleanses and smoothes the skin POTASSIUM SORBATE -potassium sorbate, potassium salt of sorbic acid - protects the product from spoilage, improves the smell of the product SORBIC ACID - sorbic acid - protects the product from spoilage and improves the smell of the product PARFUM (FRAGRANCE) - perfume

Content: 0.2 Liter ($124.45* / 1 Liter)

$24.89* $24.89*
0.01 %
Deep Cleansing 2in1 200 ml 2in1 Facial Toner
DEEP CLEANSING 2in1 ✔ refreshing & nourishing 2in1 cleansing water ✔ cleanses and tones in just one step ✔ can have an antibacterial, anti-inflammatory & soothing effect ✔ no additional tonic / facial toner necessary ✔ developed & produced in Germany SKIN TYPE This facial toner is suitable for all skin types. APPLICATION Pour a small amount into the moistened palm of the hand or onto a cotton pad and apply to the face, massage in and remove with warm water. Avoid the eye area. CAN -remove dirt particlesas well as make-up - refine the pores - soothe the skin HAZARD WARNINGS Not for children under 3 years of age.Do not get in eyes & mucous membranes. Our Deep Cleansing 2in1 is a refreshing and nourishing cleansing water with an advanced cleansing system that thoroughly cleanses and tones the skin at the same time. The active ingredient combination of the facial toner: The contained herbal complex of active ingredients helps to provide an antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, soothing and astringent effect. Witch hazel extract prevents skin impurities and clogging of pores. The contained licorice root has an antibacterial effect and can also keep the skin supple, while chamomile has an anti-inflammatory and soothing effect. The active ingredient complex is rounded off by aloe vera, which moisturizes, soothes and can support the regeneration of the skin. Numerous other active ingredients ensure that the facial toner cleanses and cares for the skin excellently. Dirt particles as well as make-up are gently removed, so that the skin feels soft and cleansed again. For a quick and uncomplicated application, where no additional tonic is necessary. INGREDIENTS AQUA (WATER) - water - solvent, moisturizes the skin. PEG-40 HYDROGENATED CASTOR OIL - Hydrogenatedand ethoxylated castor oil - emulsifier, surfactant, washing active substance for cleansing the skin BUTYLENE GLYCOL - Solvent - binds moisture, improves the smell of a product / perfumes the skin PEG-7 GLYCERYL COCOATE - surfactant - detergent active substance for skin cleansing ALOE BARBADENSIS LEAF JUICE - aloe vera - moisturizing, skin nourishing PROPYLENE GLYCOL - solvent - moist urizing, skin caring, viscosity regulating GLYCYRRHIZA GLABRA (LICORICE) ROOT EXTRACT-licorice / liquorice - reduces roughness of the skin and evens out irregularities, nourishes the skin USNEA BARBATA (LICHEN) EXTRACT - beard lichen - solvent HAMAMELIS VIRGINIANA (W ITCH HAZEL) WATER- witch h azel - astringent, skin nourishing, emollient EQUISETUM ARVENSE (HORSETAIL) EXTRACT-horsetail - soothing, creates a pleasant feeling on the skin, makes the skin smooth and supple GLYCERIN - Glycerin - moisturizes the skin, herbal PANAX GINSENG (GINSENG) ROOT EXTRACT - Ginseng - makes the skin smooth and supple, protects the skin from external influences CHAMOMILLA RECUTITA (MATRICARIA) FLOWER WATER - chamomile - keeps the skin in good condition VALERIANA OFFICINALIS RHIZOME/ROOT EXTRACT - Valerian - keeps the skin in good condition, soothes irritations on the skin, improves the smell of the product ACHILLEA MILLEFOLIUM (YARROW) EXTRACT-yarrow - gives a pleasant freshness to the skin, soothing, nourishing to the skin HUMULUS LUPULUS (HOPS) CONE EXTRACT - hops - antimicrobial, antiperspirant MELISSA OFFICINALIS (BALM MINT) LEAF EXTRACT - lemon balm - skin nourishing FOENICULUM VULGARE (FENNEL) SEED EXTRACT - fennel - keeps the skin in good condition PROPANEDIOL - propanediol - solvent ETHYLHEXYLGLYCERIN - ethylhexylglycerin - skin conditioning agent COCO-GLUCOSIDE - coconut glucoside - cleanses the skin TETRASODIUM GLUTAMATE DIACETATE - stabilizer - influences stability and quality of the product PARFUM (FRAGRANCE) - perfume - fragrance SODIUM PCA - sodium salt - binds moisture, nourishes the skin GLYCERYLOLEATE - oleic acid glycerol ester / glycerol monooleate - skin softening, perfuming, emulsifier TROMETHAMINE - amines - perfuming, stabilizes the pH value of the cosmetic product LACTIC ACID - lactic acid - moisturizing, skin conditioning, regulates / stabilizes the pH of cosmetic products ALCOHOL - solvent - antimicrobial, perfuming TRIDECETH-9 - surfactant - detergent active substance for cleaning the skin GLUCOSE - Dextrose - Binds moisture in cosmetic products CITRIC ACID- Citric acid - Reduction of horny skin areas, blackheads, acne scars, fine wrinkles, pore width/depth SODIUM HYDROXIDE - lye - cleanses and smoothes the skin CARAMEL - caramel, sugar caramel - colorant, perfuming PHENOXYETHANOL - phenoxyethanol - antimicrobial, protects the product from spoilage SODIUM BENZOATE - sodium salt - protects the product from microbial spoilage and gives the product a pleasant smell POTASSIUM SORBATE - potassium salt - protects the product from microbial spoilage and gives the product a pleasant smell HYDROXYCITRONELLAL - fragrance BENZYL SALICYLATE - salicylic acid benzyl ester - fragrance and UV absorber, protects the cosmetic product from damage caused by UV light LINALOOL - fragrance

Content: 0.2 Liter ($149.90* / 1 Liter)

$29.98* $29.98*
Fruit Acid Peeling 100 ml fruit acid peeling with BHA
BHA, PHA & AHA Fruit Acid Peeling: Fruit Acid PeelingOur unique high-dose BHA, PHA & AHA fruit acid peel contains 3rd generation acids in addition to various classic acids. This outstanding combination of active ingredients ensures that the peeling can achieve excellent results on your skin. Not only are the pores cleansed and refined, but the skin can also look smoother, more even and younger. Fruit acid peeling can also have a positive effect on impurities and other skin problems such as couperose. BHA, PHA & AHA fruit acid peel: The active ingredients Mandelic acid is a classic alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) obtained by hydrolysis of bitter almond extract. Unlike glycolic acid, mandelic acid is very gentle and has much larger molecules, which allows it to penetrate the skin more slowly and evenly, making mandelic acid very well tolerated. Thanks to mandelic acid, fruit acid peeling can lead to a reduction of wrinkles, acne scars and pigmentation spots, as well as irritation. Lactic acid is also an alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) that is very gentle. The acid is also naturally a component of the skin. There it controls the cornification process of the epidermis and stabilizes the acid mantle. Lactic acid can keep the skin moist. Furthermore, lactic acid can dissolve cornifications as well as blackheads from the cells. Therefore, impurities, pimples and acne as well as cornifications can be reduced. Important active ingredients of the fruit acid peeling: BHA & PHA Lactobionic acid is a poly-hydroxy acid (PHA). The acid is an outstanding antioxidant that is moisturizing to boot. Thanks to it, fruit acid peeling has a positive effect on the synthesis of collagen and elastin. As a result, the basic structure of the skin can be preserved. As a result, the skin can appear plumper and firmer. Lactobionic acid can also strengthen the lipid barrier of the skin, which can help retain moisture longer. Salicylic acid is an important ingredient in fruit acid peels. It is a beta hydroxy acid (BHA). It can help gently loosen dead cells from pores and can actively contribute to cleaner skin. In addition, salicylic acid in fruit acid peel has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects. This can reduce germ colonization on the skin. The result is cleaner, finer and more even skin. Other active ingredients of the fruit acid peeling Shea butter is an excellent active ingredient for skin care. It is best suited for dry, neurodermitic and damaged skin. The active ingredient can have antioxidant, refatting and soothing effects. Shea Butter can regulate the moisture balance of the skin, contributing to soft and smooth skin. Squalane, which is extracted from Oilven, is also an active ingredient that is great for dry and damaged skin. Squalane is part of the skin's natural hydro-lipid film, where it sometimes acts as a free radical scavenger. Thus, the active ingredient ensures that the cells are more protected. Furthermore, squalane moisturizes and can smooth wrinkles. The active ingredient gives the BHA, PHA, AHA fruit acid peeling nourishing properties, which can provide smoother, rosier and softer skin. Ceramides are also a natural component of the skin. They serve primarily to protect the skin barrier. Ceramides can also have positive effects in skin care. They can moisturize and smooth the skin. Ceramides can support the regeneration of the skin, as they can have a cell-renewing effect. Capric tri-glycerides are another active ingredient in fruit acid peels. The vegetable neutral oil can have a lipid-replenishing effect and is also quickly absorbed. The skin can be supplied with valuable lipids and feel smoother overall. The glycerin contained can moisturize the skin and bind it. Thus, glycerin can provide plumping of wrinkles. In addition, the active ingredient can noticeably improve the elasticity of the skin. The effect of a fruit acid peeling on the skin in summary:- removes dead skin cells and at the same time stimulates skin renewal- refines impurities and pores- reduces scars, pigmentation, age and sun spots- gradually and continuously reduces wrinkles and fine lines- improves skin texture and its luminosity- soothes irritations and irritation - reduces redness in couperose and rosacea- provides a well-groomed and smooth complexion- supports skin recovery after laser treatment- long-term use can stimulate collagen formation Accessories for fruit acid peeling - the AHA Neutralizer The included AHA Neutralizer serves to regulate the pH value after the application of the fruit acid peeling. In addition, the neutralizer contains panthenol. The active ingredient can soothe the skin after application, moisturize and effectively promote skin regeneration.Ingredients (click for more information) FRUIT ACID PEEL: AQUA (WATER)ETHYLHEXYL ISONONANOATE SODIUM HYDROXIDE POTASSIUM CETYL PHOSPHATE SQUALANE SALICYLIC ACID LACTIC ACID PENTYLENE GLYCOL HYDROGENATED PALM GLYCERIDESLACTOBIONIC ACIDMANDELIC ACIDBUTYROSPERMUM PARKII BUTTER (SHEA BUTTER)GLYCERINCERAMIDE NPXANTHAN GUMHYDROXYETHYLCELLULOSEHYDROGENATED PHOSPHATIDYLCHOLINEHYDROXYPROPYL GUAR HYDROXYPROPYLTRIMONIUM CHLORIDE AHA NEUTRALIZER :AQUA (WATER)PANTHENOLPROPANEDIOLXANTHAN GUMCAPRYLIC HYDROXAMIC ACIDCITRIC ACIDTETRASODIUM GLUTAMATE DIACETATESODIUM HYDROXIDE

Content: 0.15 Liter ($266.80* / 1 Liter)

Silver Face &amp; Body Spray 200 ml with Panthenol &amp; Microsilver
Silver Face & Body Spray ✔ refreshing face & body spray. ✔ antibacterial,soothing, emollient & moisturizing ✔ pH value: approx. 7.0 ✔ against skin impurities and irritations ✔ developed & produced in Germany Skin type The face and body spray is particularly suitable for sensitive and impure skin Application Spray evenly on the desired areas. Can be used several times a day if necessary. Also suitable as a tonic. CAN - Moisturize- counteract impurities- soothe the skin- counteract redness- stabilize the skin Hazard statements Not suitable for children under 3 years of age. Silver Face & Body Spray can help you get rid of skin impurities and irritations. Pimples, irritation after hair removal, razor burn, sunburn, insect bites - many annoying matters that bother you and your skin. That's where Silver Face & Body Spray comes in. The spray's combination of active ingredients: The spray is part of our top-selling series, the Silver Series, which has already helped numerous customers achieve clear and even skin with its main active ingredient MicroSilver BG™. Our new RAU Silver Face & Body Spray can soothe skin irritations and support skin regeneration. In addition, micor silver actively combats skin impurities. The fine silver ions gently neutralize germs directly on the skin surface. In addition, the spray contains panthenol, a popular active ingredient to soothe and moisturize the skin. The spray is particularly practical. Hygienic, without getting your hands dirty quickly spray and a large area is covered. Even the back can be easily reached and fight annoying pimples there. We also like to use the soothing spray after shaving - the skin is soothed and immediately supplied with moisture. As a result, irritation no longer occurs. With regular use, the skin can be permanently stabilized. Ingredients AQUA (WATER) - Water - solvent, moisturizes GLYCERIN - Glycerin - Moisturizes the skin, plant-based PROPYLENE GLYCOL - solvent - moisturizing, skin nourishing, viscosity regulating POLYGLYCERYL-4 CAPRATE - polymerized glycerin - surfactant / emulsifier, enables formation of emulsions PANTHENOL - panthenol - regeneration and renewal of damaged skin, soothing and anti-inflammatory, promotes cell growth SILVER - silver - antibacterial, anti-inflammatory ETHYLHEXYLGLYCERIN - ethylhexylglycerin - skin nourishing XANTHAN GUM - xanthan gum - enables the formation of emulsions, increases the viscosity of cosmetic products PARFUM (FRAGRANCE) - fragrance PHENOXYETHANOL - Phenoxyethanol - antimicrobial, protects the product from spoilage TETRASODIUM GLUTAMATE DIACETATE - stabilizer - influences stability and quality of the product CITRIC ACID - citric acid - reduction of horny skin, blackheads, acne scars, fine wrinkles, pore width/depth LINALOOL - fragrance LIMONENE - fragrance SODIUM HYDROXIDE - sodium hydro xide - regulates and stabilizes the pH of the product

Content: 0.2 Liter ($195.10* / 1 Liter)

Mineral Mask 50 ml Mattifying face mask
Mineral Mask ✔ Mousy cream mask ✔ can soothe the skin ✔ with pure, allergen-free Rügen healing chalk ✔ pH-value regulating ✔ developed & produced in Germany Skin type The cream mask is suitable for especially impure & sensitive / delicate skin. Application Applyto cleansed face and leave on for 10-20 minutes.The mask should be dried - only then you can remove it with lukewarm water. CAN - restore damaged skin flora to its natural balance - reduce impurities- soften oily skin- refine pores- soothe skin Hazard statementsNot suitable for children under 3 years of age. Our Mineral Mask is a mousy face mask for blemished skin, oily skin or skin prone to pimples, blackheads, acne and atopic dermatitis. The gentle and effective ingredients can bring your skin back into balance. The active ingredients of the face mask for impure skin: The main active ingredient of this face mask is Rügen healing chalk. Extracted from the natural chalk deposits of the island of Rügen, this healing clay is a pure and allergen-free natural product and is therefore also suitable for sensitive skin. The special healing chalk increases the barrier function of the skin and regulates the moisture balance. In addition, thanks to the healing chalk, the face mask can have a balancing and mattifying effect, which makes it the ideal care product for oily skin and overproduction of the sebaceous glands. Furthermore, the face mask can soothe, nourish and inhibit sweat production. It can also prevent the growth of bacteria and thus the development of impurities. Responsible for these effects are sage and zinc. Regeneration can also be promoted by the face mask, as the contained calcium has anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic properties. The face mask for impure skin is rounded off by nourishing active ingredients such as shea butter and lactic acid. The damaged skin flora is restored to its natural balance and propionibacterium acnes is actively combated. Ingredients AQUA (WATER) - water - solvent, moisturizes CALCIUM CARBONATE - calcium carbonate - regulates and stabilizes the pH of cosmetic products CAPRYLIC/CAPRIC TRIGLYCERIDE - Vegetable neutral oil - Smoothes the skin, has a moisturizing effect CETYL ALCOHOL - Cetyl alcohol - Supportsemulsion formation and improves product stability, Makes the skin smooth and supple, Improves the odor of a product and/or perfumes the skin GLYCERIN - Glycerin - Moisturizes the skin, plant-based GLYCINE SOJA (SOYBEAN) OIL - Soybean oil - skin nourishing, improves the smell of the product ZINC OXIDE - zinc oxide - anitmicrobial, skin protective, protects skin from harmful UV radiation MAGNESIUM ALUMINUM SILICATE - magnesium aluminum silicate - absorbs finely dispersed substances GRAPE (VITIS VINIFERA) SEED OIL - grape oil - nourishes the skin, keeps it in good condition and makes the skin soft and supple CERA ALBA (BEESWAX) - beeswax - gives the product a pleasant smell, makes the skin smooth and soft CETEARYL GLUCOSIDE - dextrose - condensation product ofcetearyl alcohol and glucose (dextrose) - surfactant that has a cleansing effect CANDIDA BOMBICOLA/GLUCOSE/METHYL RAPESEEDATE FERMENT - yeast fungi of the Candida genus - substance for cleansing the skin - antimicrobial, skin-protecting, cleansing, sebum-regulating, washing active agent BUTYROSPERMUM PARKII BUTTER ( SHEABUTTER) - shea butter - skin nourishing, viscosity regulating GLYCERYL STEARATE - surfactant - makes skin smooth and supple SAGE (SALVIA OFFICINALIS) LEAF EXTRACT- Royal Sage - can prevent dermatitis and/or alleviate its symptoms, can act against dandruff, creates a pleasant feeling on the skin AMYRIS BALSAMIFERA BARK OIL - sandalwood - improves the smell of the product RIBES NIGRUM (BLACK CURRENT) FRUIT EXTRACT - black currant - can help in the removal of dead skin cells PROPYLENE GLYCOL - propylene glycol - solvent, moisturizer, skin conditioner, viscosity regulator TOCOPHERYL ACETATE - antioxidant - skin conditioning SODIUM HYDROXIDE - sodium hydroxide - stabilizer - influences stability and quality of the product LACTIC ACID - Lactic acid - moisturizing, skin care, regulates / stabilizes the pH of cosmetic products ETHYLHEXYLGLYCERIN - ethylhexylglycerin - skin caring PARFUM (FRAGRANCE) - fragrance GLUCOSE - glucose - binds moisture in cosmetic products TETRASODIUM GLUTAMATE DIACETATE - stabilizer - influences stability and quality of the product PHENOXYETHANOL - Phenoxyethanol - antimicrobial, protects the product from spoilage POTASSIUM SORBATE - potassium salt - protects the product from microbial spoilage and gives the product a pleasant smell SODIUM BENZOATE - sodium salt - protects the product from microbial spoilage and gives the product a pleasant smell

Content: 0.05 Liter ($720.20* / 1 Liter)

Balancing &amp; Mattifying Gel with BHA 75 ml - facial care for impure and oily skin with salicylic acid for the night
Balancing & Mattifying Face Gel ✔ Regulating & mattifying face gel ✔ deep-acting night care ✔ can stimulate cell renewal ✔ with salicylic acid (antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory) ✔ developed & produced in Germany Skin type The face gel is especially suitable for combination & impure skin. Application Apply in the evening to cleansed facial skin and allow to absorb. CAN - regulate sebum production- mattify the skin- moisturize- refine pores- reduce impurities Hazard warnings Our Balancing & Mattifying Face Gel with BHA is a regulating, pore-clearing and deep-acting night care for blemished or oily skin. The nourishing gel can help to get sustainably balanced, clear skin. The combination of active ingredients of the night care: The effective gel has a regulating effect on the sebum household and can thus reduce possible overproduction. Salicylic acid is a naturally occurring plant-based active ingredient with antimicrobial, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. The active ingredient salicylic acid can help to gently detach horny cells. As a result, the pores are unclogged and can be refined. Witch hazel extract also prevents skin impurities and clogging of pores. Field horsetail has a positive influence on the regeneration of the skin and fennel can have an irritation-relieving effect on irritated areas and impurities. Other valuable herbal ingredients such as chamomile, sage, ivy, yarrow, valerian and calendula extract soothe, nourish and regulate. Balancing & Mattifying Face Gel with BHA is the ideal night care for duller, purer and fresher skin the next morning! Ingredients AQUA (WATER); PROPYLENE GLYCOL; CARBOMER; HAMAMELIS VIRGINIANA (WITCH HAZEL) LEAF EXTRACT; EQUISETUM ARVENSE (HORSETAIL ) EXTRACT; HEDERA HELIX (IVY) LEAF/ STEM EXTRACT; CALENDULA OFFICINALIS FLOWER EXTRACT; SALVIA OFFICINALIS (SAGE) LEAF EXTRACT; CHAMOMILLA RECUTITA (MATRICARIA) FLOWER EXTRACT; VALERIANA OFFICINALIS RHIZOME/ROOT EXTRACT; ACHILLEA MILLEFOLIUM (YARROW) EXTRACT; HUMULUS LUPULUS (HOPS) CONE EXTRACT; MELISSA OFFICINALIS (BALM MINT) LEAF EXTRACT; FOENICULUM VULGARE (FENNEL) SEED EXTRACT; GLYCERIN; GLUCOSE; CARAMEL; SALICYLIC ACID; LACTIC ACID; ETHYLHEXYGLYCERIN; TRIDECETH-9; PEG-40 HYDROGENATED CASTOR OIL; SODIUM HYDROXIDE; TETRASODIUM GLUTAMATE DIACETATE; SODIUM BENZOATE; POTASSIUM SORBATE; CITRAL; GERANIOL; LINALOOL; CITRONELLOL; LIMONENE; ALPHA-ISOMETHYL IONONE; PARFUM (FRAGRANCE); PHENOXYETHANOL

Content: 0.075 Liter ($520.27* / 1 Liter)

Cleansing Lotion 200 ml - thorough cleansing lotion
CLEANSING LOTION ✔ gentle cleansing milk ✔ thoroughly removes make-up ✔ for daily cleansing ✔ pH value: approx. 7 ✔ developed & produced in Germany SKIN TYPE The cleansing lotion is particularly suitable for dry & sensitive skin. APPLICATION Apply to the face, massage gently and remove with warm water. CAN - Thoroughly remove dirt particles and facial and eye make-up- provide long-term moisture- refine pores HAZARD WARNINGS Not suitable for children under 3 years of age. Our RAU Cleansing Lotion is suitable for daily facial cleansing for normal to dry skin. The main active ingredients of the Cleansing Lotion are stinging nettle extract and washing active substances, whereby dirt particles as well as face and eye make-up are thoroughly removed.Our Cleansing Lotion is ideal for daily facial cleansing for dry, sensitive and mature skin, as well as the removal of our BB Cream. Cleansing Lotion's active ingredients: Our Cleansing Lotion contains washing-active substances that thoroughly remove dirt particles and make-up. In addition, the cleansing lotion contains nettle extract. The active ingredient is known to soothe inflammation as well as irritation, redness and irritation. The extract also gives our cleansing lotion an anti-aging effect: as a valuable antioxidant, nettle extract can reduce premature skin aging caused by free radicals. INGREDIENTS AQUA (WATER) - water - solvent, moisturizes the skin CAPRYLIC/CAPRIC TRIGLYCERIDE - Vegetable neutral oil - smoothes the skin, has a moisturizing effect GLYCERYL STEARATE - Surfactant - Makes the skin smooth and supple PROPYLENE GLYCOL - solvent - moisturizing, skin caring, viscosity regulating CETEARYL ALCOHOL - surfactant - washing active substance which is mulsion stabilizing and skin caring. Makes the skin smooth and soft. CETEARETH-12 - Polyethylene glycol ether of cetearyl alcohol - Washing active substance for cleaning the skin. CETEARETH-20 - polyethylene glycol ether of cetearyl alcohol - cleanses the skin PENTYLENE GLYCOL - Pentylene glycol - moisturizes the skin. NETTLE (URTICA DIOICA) EXTRACT - nettle extract - can act against dandruff, cleanses the skin, nourishes the skin, thickens the skin surface GLYCERYL OLEATE - glycerol monooleate - fragrance, skin nourishing, makes skin smooth and supple SODIUM CARBOMER - polyacrylic acid - viscosity regulating, film forming, gel forming, emulsion stabilizing CITRIC ACID - citric acid - reduction of horny skin, blackheads, acne scars, fine wrinkles, widening/deepening of pores GLUCOSE - Dextrose - Binds moisture in cosmetic products PARFUM (FRAGRANCE) - Fragrance ETHYLHEXYLGLYCERIN - Ethylhexylglycerin - skin conditioning agent TETRASODIUM GLUTAMATE DIACETATE - stabilizer - influences stability and quality of the product SODIUM HYDROXIDE - sodium hydro xide - stabilizer, influences stability and quality of the product PHENOXYETHANOL - phenoxyethanol - antimicrobial, preservative (protects against spoilage) SODIUM BENZOATE - sodium salt - protects the product from microbial spoilage and gives the product a pleasant smell POTASSIUM SORBATE - potassium salt - protects the product from microbial spoilage and gives the product a pleasant smell HYDROXYCITRONELLAL - hydroxycitronellal - perfume BENZYL SALICYLATE - salicylic acid benzyl ester - protects the product from damage caused by UV light, improves the smell of the product COUMARIN - fragrance LINALOOL - fragrance LACTIC ACID - lactic acid - moisturizing, skin conditioning, regulates / stabilizes the pH of cosmetic products TARTARIC ACID - tartaric acid - perfuming, regulates and stabilizes the pH of cosmetic products CARAMEL - caramel, sugar caramel - dye, perfuming HEXYL CINNAMAL - Fragrance

Content: 0.2 Liter ($129.50* / 1 Liter)

0.01 %
Cleansing &amp; Refreshing Foam 200 ml Cleansing Foam
CLEANSING & REFRESHING FOAM ✔ creamy nourishing cleansing foam ✔ with refreshing scent of orange ✔ invigorates, vitalizes & refreshes ✔ pH value: approx. 5.5 ✔ developed & produced in Germany SKIN TYPE The cleansing and shower foam is suitable for the face and body. APPLICATION Apply to face, neck and décolleté, emulsify briefly and remove with warm water. Also suitable for showering. CAN - cleanse the face- remove dirt- refine pores HAZARD WARNINGS Not suitable for children under 3 years of age.Do not get in eyes & mucous membranes. This refreshing cleansing foam is very gentle on the skin due to its creamy foam structure and thoroughly cleanses it of dirt particles as well as make-up. The invigorating foam is also suitable for showering. The active ingredients of the cleansing foam: The main active ingredients are nourishing blood orange oil, invigorating coffee extract and extracts from exotic fruits such as blackcurrant, kiwi and grape seeds. The combination has an invigorating, moisturizing and pore-refining effect. The pleasant fruity fragrance pampers the senses and puts you in a good mood. CONTENTS AQUA (WATER) - Water - solvent, moisturizes the skin GLYCERIN - Glycerin - Moisturizes the skin, plant-based COCO-GLUCOSIDE - Coconut based ingredient - keeps skin in good condition COCAMIDOPROPYL BETAINE - Surfactant - cleanses the skin, improves foam quality, washing active substance for cleansing the skin CITRUS AURANTIUM DULCIS (ORANGE) FRUIT WATER - orange, sweet orange - gives the product a better smell COFFEA ROBUSTA SEED EXTRACT - Robusta coffee shrub - Keeps the skin in good condition DISODIUM COCOYL GLUTAMATE - Disodium Cocoyl Glutamate - Washing active substance for cleansing the skin PAULLINIA CUPANA SEED EXTRACT - Guarana climbing shrub - creates a pleasant feeling on the skin and keeps it in good condition VITIS VINIFERA SEED EXTRACT - Grape - Prevents or relieves the symptoms of seborrhea and/or seborrheic dermatitis, anti-dandruff, antimicrobial, antioxidant, protects the skin PASSIFLORA INCARNATA FLOWER EXTRACT - Passion flower - ETHYLHEXYLGLYCERIN - ethylhexylglycerin - skin nourishing SODIUM CHLORIDE - common salt - improves the smell of a product, swelling, viscosity regulating SODIUM COCOYL GLUTAMATE - reaction product of glutamic acid with coconut fatty acids - washing active substance for skin cleansing BUTYLENE GLYCOL - solvent - binds moisture, improves the smell of a product / perfumes the skin SODIUM PCA - sodium salt - binds moisture, nourishes the skin PARFUM (FRAGRANCE) - fragrance PHENOXYETHANOL - phenoxyethanol - antimicrobial, protects the product from spoilage BENZOIC ACID - benzoic acid - improves the smell of the product DEHYDROACETIC ACID -dehydroacetic acid - protects the product from microbial spoilage TETRASODIUM GLUTAMATE DIACETATE - stabilizer - influences stability and quality of the product SODIUM BENZOATE - sodium salt - protects the product from microbial spoilage and gives the product a pleasant smell SODIUM HYDROXIDE - sodium hydroxide - stabilizer - influences stability and quality of the product POTASSIUM SORBATE - potassium salt - protects the product from microbial spoilage and gives the product a pleasant smell CI 15985 (FD&C Yellow No.6) - dye yellow orange - colors the product SODIUM SULFATE - Sodium sulfate - viscosity regulating

Content: 0.2 Liter ($149.90* / 1 Liter)

$29.98* $29.98*
9.99 %
Sea Salt Calming Cream 50 ml face cream with sea salt
Sea Salt Calming Cream ✔ So othing face cream ✔ with valuable sea salt & lactobionic acid (PHA) ✔ moisturizing & soothing ✔ ideal forsensitive, dry & impure skin. ✔ developed & produced in Germany Skin type The face cream is especially suitable for sensitive, dry & impure skin Application Apply to cleansed facial skin and massage in. CAN - Moisturize- soothe the skin- counteract impurities and irritations- reduce dry skin Hazard warnings Our Sea Salt Calming Cream is a pleasant nourishing face cream with sea salt, lactobionic acid (pHA) and nourishing active ingredients. It is suitable for impure, irritated, dry and sensitive skin. The combination of active ingredients of the cream with sea salt: The sea salt contained in the face cream provides the skin with valuable minerals and trace elements. It also has a calming, regenerating and moisturizing effect. Especially in case of itching, redness, impurities and irritations, sea salt can have a calming effect. Other soothing and moisturizing active ingredients include chamomile flowers, urea and panthenol. Lactobionic acid (PHA) has a strong antioxidant effect, stimulates cell renewal and deeply moisturizes the skin.At the same time, the skin's barrier function can be strengthened, making the skin less sensitive. Witch hazel and sage have an anti-inflammatory effect and can inhibit the growth of germs on the skin, from which particularly impure skin can benefit. The contained zinc also takes the breeding ground for blackheads and thus prevents the development of pimples. Mahonia has an antibacterial effect and can prevent the clogging of sebaceous glands. The contained ribwort also ensures that the face cream can have an anti-inflammatory and soothing effect. Biotin supports the skin's moisture retention capacity, so that the face cream can prevent dryness wrinkles. Numerous nourishing oils such as avocado, almond, mango, soybean and sunflower oil as well as vitamin E support the regeneration of the skin and keep it beautifully supple - for pure, smooth skin! Ingredients AQUA (WATER); PRUNUS AMYGDALUS DULCIS (SWEET ALMOND) OIL; HELIANTHUS ANNUUS (SUNFLOWER) HYBRID OIL; CETEARYL ALCOHOL; GLYCERIN; GLYCERYL STEARATE CITRATE; CAPRYLIC/CAPRIC TRIGLYCERIDE; PANTHENOL; BUTYROSPERMUM PARKII (SHEA) BUTTER; SUCROSE STEARATE; PERSEA GRATISSIMA (AVOCADO) OIL; SODIUM STEAROYL GLUTAMATE; GLYCINE SOJA (SOYBEAN) OIL; MANGO (MANGOFERA INDICA) SEED OIL/EXTRACT; HAMAMELIS VIRGINIANA (WITCH HAZEL) WATER; MARIS SAL (SEA SALT); CHAMOMILLA RECUTITA (MATRICARIA) FLOWER WATER; SALVIA OFFICINALIS (SAGE) LEAF EXTRACT; MACLURACOCHINCHINENSIS LEAD PRENYLFAVONOIDS; BUTYLENE GLYCOL; ALCOHOL; BIOTIN; BISABOLOL; UREA; ZINC GLUCONATE; LACTOBIONIC ACID ; XANTHAN GUM; PROPYLENE GLYCOL; TOCOPHEROL; SODIUM LACTATE; GLYCERYL CAPRYLATE; ETHYLHEXYLGLYCERIN; TETRASODIUM GLUTAMATE DIACETATE; CITRIC ACID; GLUCOSE; DISODIUM PHOSPHATE; SODIUM HYDROXIDE; LACTIC ACID; PHENOXYETHANOL; SODIUM BENZOATE; POTASSIUM SORBATE; PROPANEDIOL

Content: 0.05 Liter ($702.40* / 1 Liter)

$35.12* $39.02*
7.4 %
Fruit Acid &amp; BHA Cream 50 ml - BHA Fruit Acid Cream
Fruit Acid Cream ✔ BHA fruit acid cream ✔ with various fruit acids ✔ can unclog pores ✔ pigment and age spots can be reduced ✔ developed & produced in Germany Skin type The face cream is especially suitable for mature, impure , horny, pigmented & dull skin. Application Apply to cleansed facial skin and massage in. CAN - improve skin texture- reduce pigmentation disorders- reduce impurities- refine pores- remove cornification- support skin regeneration Hazard warnings Not suitable for children under 6 years of age.Avoid contact with eyes and mucous membranes. Discover our Fruit Acid Cream, the AHA & BHA fruit acid cream for mature, blemished, callused, pigmented & dull skin. The fruit acid cream has a pH value of approx. 3.9 - 4.2. The combination of active ingredients of the fruit acid cream: By using various fruit acids (malic acid, citric acid, tartaric acid, glycolic acid), lactic acid and salicylic acid, dead skin cells and clogged pores are dissolved, cornifications are removed and impure skin is refined.By effectively stimulating regeneration, wrinkles, pigmentation, age and sun spots and minor skin imperfections can also be visibly reduced with the help of the fruit acid cream. With long-term use, collagen and elastin formation can even be stimulated. A radiant complexion and firmer skin can thus be counted among the effects of the fruit acid cream. Hyaluronic acid moisturizes the skin and can make it look plumper. Tocopherol or vitamin E can act as an antioxidant, improve moisture retention, smooth wrinkles and soothe blemishes and irritations. Ingredients AQUA (WATER) - water - solvent, moisturizes CAPRYLIC / CAPRIC TRIGLYCERIDE - Vegetable neutral oil - smoothes the skin, has a moisturizing effect CETEARYL ALCOHOL - Surfactant - Washing active substance which is mulsion stabilizing and skin caring. Makes the skin smooth and soft. PROPYLENE GLYCOL - solvent - moisturizing, skin care, viscosity regulating. CETYL PHOSPHATE - Cetyl Phosphate - washing active substance for cleansing the skin GLYCOLIC ACID - Glycolic acid - Regulates and stabilizes the pH of cosmetic products SODIUM HYDROXIDE - Caustic soda - Stabilizer - Influences stability and quality of the product DECYL OLEATE - decyl oleate - makes the skin supple and soft and keeps it in good condition CITRIC ACID - citric acid - reduction of horny skin, blackheads, acne scars, fine wrinkles, pore widening/deepening MALIC ACID - malic acid - regulates and stabilizes the pH of cosmetic products TARTARIC ACID - tartaric acid - perfuming, regulates and stabilizes the pH of cosmetic products LACTIC ACID - lactic acid - moisturizing, skin nourishing, regulates / stabilizes the pH of cosmetic products HELIANTHUS ANNUUS (SUNFLOWER) SEED OIL - sunflower oil - improves the smell of the product, makes the skin soft and smooth GLUCONIC ACID - D-gluconic acid - fragrance RETINYL PALMITATE - retinyl palmitate - skin nourishing SODIUM HYALURONATE - Sodium hyaluronate - moisturizing and skin conditioning TOCOPHEROL - Vitamin E - Keeps the skin in good condition, perfuming XANTHAN GUM - Xanthan gum - ensures cohesion of the product, nourishes the skin and enables gel formation SALICYLIC ACID - salicylic acid - helps to remove dead skin cells, prevents dermatitis and alleviates symptoms / counteracts dandruff TOCOPHERYL ACETATE - antioxidant - skin nourishing DICAPRYLYL CARBONATE - dicaprylyl carbonate - keeps skin in good condition and makes it supple HYDROGENATED PALM GLYCERIDES CITRATE - esterification product with citric acid - makes the skin smooth and supple SODIUM BENZOATE - sodium salt - protects the product from microbial spoilage and gives the product a pleasant smell POTASSIUM SORBATE - potassium salt - protects the product from microbial spoilage and gives the product a pleasant smell PARFUM (FRAGRANCE) - perfume - fragrance CINNAMYL ALCOHOL - cinnamon alcohol - fragrance CITRAL - citral - fragrance BENZYL SALICYLATE - benzyl salicylate - protects the product from UV light COUMARIN - fragrance GERANIOL - fragrance LINALOOL - fragrance CITRONELLOL - fragrance HEXYL CINNAMAL - fragrance LIMONENE - fragrance ALPHA-ISOMETHYL IONONE - gamma methyl ionone - fragrance, skin caring

Content: 0.05 Liter ($722.60* / 1 Liter)

$36.13* $39.02*
Silver Face &amp; Body Spray 200 ml with Panthenol &amp; Microsilver
Silver Face & Body Spray ✔ refreshing face & body spray. ✔ antibacterial,soothing, emollient & moisturizing ✔ pH value: approx. 7.0 ✔ against skin impurities and irritations ✔ developed & produced in Germany Skin type The face and body spray is particularly suitable for sensitive and impure skin Application Spray evenly on the desired areas. Can be used several times a day if necessary. Also suitable as a tonic. CAN - Moisturize- counteract impurities- soothe the skin- counteract redness- stabilize the skin Hazard statements Not suitable for children under 3 years of age. Silver Face & Body Spray can help you get rid of skin impurities and irritations. Pimples, irritation after hair removal, razor burn, sunburn, insect bites - many annoying matters that bother you and your skin. That's where Silver Face & Body Spray comes in. The spray's combination of active ingredients: The spray is part of our top-selling series, the Silver Series, which has already helped numerous customers achieve clear and even skin with its main active ingredient MicroSilver BG™. Our new RAU Silver Face & Body Spray can soothe skin irritations and support skin regeneration. In addition, micor silver actively combats skin impurities. The fine silver ions gently neutralize germs directly on the skin surface. In addition, the spray contains panthenol, a popular active ingredient to soothe and moisturize the skin. The spray is particularly practical. Hygienic, without getting your hands dirty quickly spray and a large area is covered. Even the back can be easily reached and fight annoying pimples there. We also like to use the soothing spray after shaving - the skin is soothed and immediately supplied with moisture. As a result, irritation no longer occurs. With regular use, the skin can be permanently stabilized. Ingredients AQUA (WATER) - Water - solvent, moisturizes GLYCERIN - Glycerin - Moisturizes the skin, plant-based PROPYLENE GLYCOL - solvent - moisturizing, skin nourishing, viscosity regulating POLYGLYCERYL-4 CAPRATE - polymerized glycerin - surfactant / emulsifier, enables formation of emulsions PANTHENOL - panthenol - regeneration and renewal of damaged skin, soothing and anti-inflammatory, promotes cell growth SILVER - silver - antibacterial, anti-inflammatory ETHYLHEXYLGLYCERIN - ethylhexylglycerin - skin nourishing XANTHAN GUM - xanthan gum - enables the formation of emulsions, increases the viscosity of cosmetic products PARFUM (FRAGRANCE) - fragrance PHENOXYETHANOL - Phenoxyethanol - antimicrobial, protects the product from spoilage TETRASODIUM GLUTAMATE DIACETATE - stabilizer - influences stability and quality of the product CITRIC ACID - citric acid - reduction of horny skin, blackheads, acne scars, fine wrinkles, pore width/depth LINALOOL - fragrance LIMONENE - fragrance SODIUM HYDROXIDE - sodium hydro xide - regulates and stabilizes the pH of the product

Content: 0.2 Liter ($195.10* / 1 Liter)

2.5 %
Hyaluron Cream SPF10 50 ml face cream with UV protection
HYALURON CREAM SPF10 ✔ intensive moisturizing care with sun protection factor 10 ✔ can counteract skin aging & wrinkle formation ✔ can optimize the hyaluron balance in several skin layers ✔ developed & produced in Germany SUITABLE FOR WHICH SKIN TYPE? - dry skin - sensitive skin - mature skin HOW IS IT USED? Apply the hyaluronic cream in the morning on cleansed skin. CAN - better moisturize the skin - with regular use, it can lead to a long-term moisturizing effect - make the skin look firmer and younger HAZARD WARNINGS Not suitable for children under 3 years. Hyaluron Cream with SPF 10 is the ideal day cream with sun protection for dry, mature and sensitive skin. It provides the skin with moisture, care and protection. The combination of active ingredients of the day cream with sun protection: Highly concentrated hyaluronic acid ensures the optimal supply of moisture to the skin. This can make the skin look significantly plumper and fresher. Thanks to avocado oil, sunflower oil, squalane and shea butter, the skin is beautifully nourished and supplied with important nutrients. Passion flower oil is rich in unsaturated fatty acids and vitamins, keeping the skin in good condition. The day cream with sunscreen also contains extracts of silver acacia, which can nourish and keep the skin soft. The sun protection filter Octocrylene provides the sun protection factor 10. CONTENTS AQUA (WATER) - water - solvent, moisturizes the skin OCTOCRYLENE - Octocrilen - protects the skin from UV light GLYCERYL STEARATE - surfactant - makes the skin smooth and supple GLYCERIN - Glycerin - moisturizes the skin, plant-based PASSIFLORA INCARNATA SEED OIL - Passion flower - protects the skin from external influences CAPRYLIC/CAPRIC TRIGLYCERIDE - Vegetable neutral oil - Smoothes the skin, has a moisturizing effect OCTYLDODECANOL - Octyldodecane - Fragrance, makes the skin supple and smooth BUTYLENE GLYCOL - solvent - binds moisture, improves the smell of a product / perfumes the skin BUTYROSPERMUM PARKII BUTTER ( SHEABUTTER) - shea butter - skin nourishing, viscosity regulator DICAPRYLYL CARBONATE - dicaprylyl carbonate - keeps the skin in good condition and makes it smooth and supple CETEARYL ALCOHOL - Surfactant - Washing active substance which is mulsion stabilizing and skin nourishing. Makes the skin smooth and soft. JOJOBA ESTERS - ester mixture based on jojoba oil - moisturizing, soothing, makes the skin supple and smooth. SODIUM HYALURONATE - hyaluronic acid - moisturizing, skin nourishing PERSEA GRATISSIMA (AVOCADO) OIL - avocado oil - keeps the skin in good condition HELIANTHUS ANNUUS (SUNFLOWER) HYBRID OIL - sunflower oil - makes the skin smooth and supple SQUALANE - oil extracted from the plant - prevents the loss of moisture from the skin, has great affinity with the skin and skin lipids and has excellent skin compatibility. ACACIA DECURRENS FLOWER WAX - silver acacia - keeps the skin in good condition and makes it smooth and soft HELIANTHUS ANNUUS (SUNFLOWER) SEED OIL - sunflower oil - nourishes the skin, makes it smooth and keeps it in good condition, improves the smell of the product XANTHAN GUM - Xanthan gum - enables the formation of emulsions, increases the viscosity of cosmetic products BISETHYLHEXYLOXYPHENOL METHOXYPHENYL TRIAZINE - Bemotrizinol - protects skin from UV radiation MYRISTYL ALCOHOL - myristyl alcohol - viscosity regulating, skin conditioning STEARYL ALCOHOL - stearyl alcohol - moisturizing, skin caring, emulsion stabilizing GLYCERYL CAPRYLATE - glyceryl caprylate - enables formation of emulsions, keeps skin supple TOCOPHEROL - Vitamin E - antioxidant, skin nourishing, gives the product a pleasant fragrance ETHYLHEXYLGLYCERIN - ethylhexylglycerin - skin nourishing SODIUM STEAROYL LACTYLATE - Sodium Stearoyl Lactylate - emulsifier POLYGLYCERIN-3 - Polyglycerin 3 - binds moisture PARFUM (FRAGRANCE) - perfume - fragrance TETRASODIUM GLUTAMATE DIACETATE - stabilizer - influences stability and quality of the product SODIUM HYDROXIDE - sodium hydro xide - stabilizer - influences stability and quality of the product PHENOXYETHANOL - phenoxyethanol - antimicrobial, protects the product from spoilage HYDROXYCITRONELLAL - hydroxycitronellal - perfume BENZYL SALICYLATE - salicylic acid benzyl ester - protects the product from damage by UV light, improves the smell of the product GERANIOL - fragrance LINALOOL - fragrance BENZYL BENZOATE - benzyl benzoate - antimicrobial, perfuming CITRONELLOL - fragrance HEXYL CINNAMAL - fragrance LIMONENE - fragrance ALPHA-ISOMETHYL IONONEISOMETHYL IONONE - fragrance LACTIC ACID - Lactic acid - moisturizing, skin conditioning, regulates / stabilizes the pH of cosmetic products

Content: 0.05 Liter ($780.40* / 1 Liter)

$39.02* $40.02*
Niacinamide Serum 100 ml with 10% Niacinamide &amp; 1% Zinc PCA
Niacinamide Serum: This is no ordinary Niacinamide Serum! Our Niacinamide Serum is not an ordinary Niacinamide Serum, but a perfectly balanced combination of various powerful active ingredients. The versatile serum can have a brightening effect on pimple marks, pigmentation spots and acne scars, can refine pores, moisturize and provide a beautiful complexion. The active ingredient is especially recommended for blemished skin, mature skin, acne, pigmentation disorders and reddened skin. The combination of active ingredients of Niacinamide serum The Niacinamide Serum contains 10% niacinamide. The outstanding active ingredient is a derivative of vitamin B3. Thanks to its positive properties, the appearance of the skin can be visibly improved by our Niacinamide Serum: It can lighten skin discolorations such as pigmentation spots, acne scars or age spots and counteract them preventively. Reddened skin can also be alleviated thanks to niacinamide. As a result, you can enjoy a beautiful, even complexion. As an antioxidant, the active ingredient provides protection against free radicals and thus counteracts premature skin aging. Niacinamide is moisturizing and can thus plump up wrinkles. The regeneration of the skin can also be supported by the power active ingredient by stimulating collagen synthesis. Collagen fibers form the basic structure, which makes the skin look plumper. Consequently, niacinamide can contribute to a fresher and more youthful appearance. Even blemished, rough-pored or oily skin can benefit from using Niacinamide Serum with Zinc. First, this is due to niacinamide itself, which can refine pores and regulate sebum production. This results in less clogging of the pores. Impurities and pimples can be reduced. In addition, the active ingredient has anti-microbial properties. This means that it counteracts the excessive colonization of the skin with germs, which can prevent impurities. Other active ingredients in Niacinamide Serum Secondly, Niacinamide Serum contains 1% Zinc PCA, a soothing active ingredient that is particularly recommended for blemish-prone skin. Zinc PCA in Niacinamide Serum has outstanding sebum-regulating properties. This means that the production of sebum can be regulated and, if necessary, reduced. This can result not only in fewer impurities, but furthermore in less oily skin. The versatile ingredient is known to retain moisture in the skin. In addition, zinc can have an anti-microbial effect, which can prevent impurities. Especially for blemished skin, oily skin or acne, a niacinamide serum with zinc is therefore recommended. The extracts of Maclura Cochinchinensis contained are also very suitable for impure skin to reduce and prevent impurities. The active ingredient has been proven to reduce inflammation as well as signs of acne and pimples. It can also shrink pores and regulate sebum production thanks to Maclura Cochinchinensis extract. For mature skin or skin in need of regeneration, the active ingredient is equally popular due to its retinoic acid-like effect, as it can support the regeneration of the skin. Nourishing active ingredients of the Niacinamide serum Aloe vera is a popular traditional medicinal plant. Its gel can provide a large amount of moisture. The contained aloe vera can also soothe the skin as well as irritations. Aloe vera can also effectively support the regeneration of the skin. Highly effective hyaluronic acid complements this active ingredient complex. It can provide moisture to the skin and help it retain it. This can make the skin appear smoother and plumper. Other active ingredients such as arginine, lactic acid and glycerin also contribute to a healthy moisture balance. Arginine also helps the skin retain moisture better. The amino acid can also stabilize the skin's pH value. Lactic acid is a skin-own component and belongs to the so-called AHAs, alpha hydroxy acid. The acid is part of the skin's hydro-lipid film and has the tasks of stabilizing the protective acid mantle and controlling the cornification process of the epidermis. Lactic acid can reduce cornification, refine pores and dissolve out blackheads. Therefore, the active ingredient is ideal for acne, blemishes, psoriasis and cornification disorders. The contained glycerin can moisturize and bind, which can lead to smoother and more beautiful skin. Niacinamide serum with zinc can support the skin in many ways and lead to more beautiful and healthier skin in the long term. Ingredients (click for more information)ALOE BARBADENSIS LEAF JUICEAQUA (WATER)NIACINAMIDEGLYCERINPENTYLENE GLYCOLMETHYLPROPANEDIOLMACLURA COCHINCHINENSIS LEAF PRENYLFLAVONOIDSSODIUM HYALURONATEZINC SULFATEPROPANEDIOLXANTHAN GUMCITRIC ACIDSODIUM LACTATELACTIC ACIDTETRASODIUM GLUTAMATE DIACETATESODIUM HYDROXIDEETHYLHEXYLGLYCERINARGININEPHENOXYETHANOLPOTASSIUM SORBATESODIUM BENZOATE

Content: 0.1 Liter ($691.30* / 1 Liter)
